Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Carrington!

Two years ago today you came into our life and what an amazing two years it has been. Amaze us, that's what you do everyday. Your second year of life has continued with more new adventures and growth. You started the year not even walking and now, I can't catch you when you take off running. You only had a few words in your vocabulary at your 1st birthday and now, you can put an entire sentence together. Your sweet heart continues to grow and we've really gotten to see that while I've been pregnant with Baby Blue. You love to kiss and rub my belly and pray for baby brother every night. With that comes your sweet nurturing side. You adore little babies - baby Madison, the new babies in our small group, or your baby dolls that you feed, wrap in a blanket, take for a stroller ride, and put down for a nap everyday. You are going to be a great big sister! I watch you with amazement daily. Where do you get all the energy, how can someone so small make a room full of people turn to watch you and smile, how do you remember so much and remind me of things we've done that I completely forgot about? Your entire being just amazes me! I'll continue to thank the Lord everyday for the amazing gift he gave us on November 3, 2008. I love you and look forward to the next year of your AMAZING life!
Daddy and Mommy

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