Monday, November 8, 2010

A Day at the Beach

Wendy and Giselle came for a midweek visit in October. The weather was gorgeous that week and we were able to head to the beach for a couple hours. As usual, Carrington didn't want to stay out of the water and Giselle was perfectly content keeping her feet dry and digging in the sand.

You should see these two together. They are just like their mothers - talking, laughing and playing non-stop when they see each other. Wendy and I had a hard time talking in the car because they were carrying on so loud in the back seat. It's really a lot of fun to see them interact, so glad they get to grow up seeing each other often.

Another fun tidbit...Wendy is pregnant with baby #2, a girl, and due a week before me. Baby Blue will have a de Windt playmate too!

Lunch time
Baby Mama
Baby Mama tooThe Sun and the Sand
Catch me if you can
Water baby
"Come on, Giselle. I'll hold your hand"

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