Carrington had no problem getting into the Halloween spirit. I wouldn't be surprised if she told you it was one of her favorite holidays. How could it not be, she got to wear her Minnie Mouse costume several times, eat lots of candy, and spend time playing with friends.
Peepaw would be very happy his little sugarbean was watching "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".
Minnie Mouse made her first appearance the Friday before Halloween at gymnastic. The kids were asked to wear their costumes to class for a Halloween party.

MeMe and her Halloween treats!
Time for some fun at gymnastics...

One little, two little, three little pumpkins...


We all fall down
A Carrington favorite!

The peanut gallery

Seesaw with friends
Halloween Day - time for Trunk or Treat at Port City Community Church.
"I love this job"
Copy Cats
"Oh, Minnie, how I love you!"
"Wait, another Minnie in the picture. I don't think contain my excitement."
Time to go...
but, enough time to stop and smell the flowers.
Family photo op...

"Come here and let me give you a kiss"

Don't forget about mommy
Trunk or Treat

We made it half way through the show
by stuffing her mouth with candy.
Boat ride on land

Bet you can't guess which trunk she liked most!
We also made a quick stop by Leland Baptist to see Hayden (our neighbor). Had to make sure the two got their picture together.
Neighborly Love
Aaron did a great job on the Minnie Mouse pumpkin
All sugared up and no where close to ready for bed. Notice at this point, the bow, gloves, and shoes are missing from the costume. Surprised she still had the dress on and wasn't down to just the bloomers. 
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