Monday, September 17, 2012

River Life

We need a family tattoo that says "Water Life"! We all love the water!!! Be it the pool, beach, river or bath (Hudson's only experience in the water). We are most happy, most at peace, most refreshed after time in the water. It's perfect for our family that Granny and Papa bought a river lot and plan to build a house next year for us to move into! (They know after one weekend visit we'll become permanent tenants at least during the warm months.) We spent a weekend in Ridgeland but most of our time was spent on the river. 
 Lookin' for marine life
 Reeling in a big catch
 I got a pickle! hey, hey, hey!
 Crabin' for dinner
 Fishin' for dinner
 Oldest Boy Cousin, only Girl Cousin
 Never to old to show the younger boys how it's done.
 Front flip
 Trying not to land on his face flip
 Momma and the newest Sims boy
 Lots of love for Granny

 Boat Ride...

 Older boys showing off their wake boarding skills...

Jumping off the diving board

Hudson - One Month Old

September 11 marked Hudson turning one month old. He had a check up later that week and weighed 11 lbs 1 oz and 21 1/4 in. Both stats put him in the 75th percentile. He is growing like a weed, gaining almost four pounds in one month! He has come out of his cocoon and is sprouting his little personality. We see a lot more of his eyes as he stays awake for about an hour at a time now. He is finding his voice; a little more fussy but making cute baby coos too. He has traveled twice; once to Ridgeland to see Granny, Papa and the rest of the family and once to Myrtle Beach to help Aunt Melissa celebrate a big birthday! 
One Month Old Photo Shoot...

 Brother and sister want in on the cheese
 I'll hear Hudson go from fussy to quiet. When I walk into the room I find Carrington has picked him up and is "burping" him. Very helpful but a little scary to think my three year old is picking up my new baby.
Precious trio!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Carrington starts 3 year old Preschool

Carrington started 3 year old preschool at First Presbyterian today! She was super excited this morning, bouncing around the house while getting ready, a smile not leaving her face. At one point I asked her if she might be a little excited to start preschool. Her response; "No, I'm super excited to start preschool"!! After getting three kids out of bed, dressed, and fed we headed out the door only 10 minutes behind schedule. It was a zoo with parents trying to find their way around school, dropping off their kids, and taking pictures so no one noticed we were running a little late.
Carrington walked right into her class room and started playing. She was right at home and ready to take on a new adventure. We barely got a goodbye out of her. Grayson missed his big sister and continually said, "sissy". As if asking me where she was and why his sidekick wasn't with him this morning. We were all happy to get her back at noon and hear all about the first day. She told me they had snack, talked about the weather, made a craft, sang school songs, and played outside. She also told me that she didn't talk to any of the boys. I'm glad I don't have to worry about boys being a distraction yet!
The last thing she asked me tonight, "do I get to go to preschool in the morning"? I had to disappoint her and let her know she would have to wait until Friday...
 1st day of preschool
 high five for a great start
 big smiles from the Sims girls
 making all kinds of friends
one more big smile for the camera

Labor Day Weekend 2012

I need to have t-shirts made that say, "we survived Labor Day Weekend". An unwelcome visitor, the stomach flu, showed up at our house on Thursday morning and didn't make it's exit until Saturday afternoon. I was the first to open the door and Aaron showed it the way out. Hudson was the only one spared (thank you, God). It hit us parents the hardest with multiple trips to the bathroom, fever, chills and body ache. And took us twice as long to recovery. We had planned a trip to Ridgeland, with lots of activities on the agenda, but needless to say none of that happened. Instead, we spent lots of time inside, on the couch, watching football, and trying to survive cabin fever with three small children. In between sickness we made it to the park to let the kids run wild and work with Carrington on riding her bike without training wheels. The kids also had a water fun day at the house when we could take staying inside no longer. It wasn't the ideal weekend but it did give us a lot of time together! 

 Daddy's newest Tiger
 Poor Aaron, look at his eyes! He was so sick for the kick off of college football.
 These two spent most of the day dreaming about football instead of watching it on TV.
 Hudson isn't happy about wearing his Tiger uniform.
 Taking the training wheels off
 Swinging like a big boy
 You spray me...
I'll spray you. 
 Go Hokies!
I post this for no other reason than to show they are definitely related!!
Carrington getting a start on riding without training wheels.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Life at Home with Hudson

Hudson has been at home with us for three weeks! Everyone is adjusting and settling into the new norm. Hudson is still leading the way as our most laid back infant. He doesn't cry too much, although he has picked up the early evening fussiness that lasts about an hour before he settles back into chill mode. He seems to spend a lot of time awake (during the day) looking around and watching his brother and sister play. We continue to stay busy going to mom's group, indoor play areas, and keeping up with weekly errands. We've even gone out to lunch and dinner once and both times Hudson did great, sleeping the entire time. Grayson and Carrington spend lots of time loving all over their brother. They are great helpers too but you have to keep an eye on them because they think they can pick up their little brother and carry him places. We love our little Hudson!
Hudson's stats:
3 day doctor visit - 7lb 5oz, 20 1/4 in
2 week doctor visit - 9lb 1oz!, 20 3/4 in - 50th percentile for both
 Sleep tight
 His favorite spot to sleep...tucked under the covers in our bed.
 Getting advice from his big sister.
 The paci spends more time in Grayson's mouth than Hudson's.
 First bath (2 weeks old). He likes the warm water.
I enjoy my life!
 I feel like this picture needs a country song to play with it.
turned into a man when Hudson showed up
Carrington singing to Hudson