Sunday, September 2, 2012

Life at Home with Hudson

Hudson has been at home with us for three weeks! Everyone is adjusting and settling into the new norm. Hudson is still leading the way as our most laid back infant. He doesn't cry too much, although he has picked up the early evening fussiness that lasts about an hour before he settles back into chill mode. He seems to spend a lot of time awake (during the day) looking around and watching his brother and sister play. We continue to stay busy going to mom's group, indoor play areas, and keeping up with weekly errands. We've even gone out to lunch and dinner once and both times Hudson did great, sleeping the entire time. Grayson and Carrington spend lots of time loving all over their brother. They are great helpers too but you have to keep an eye on them because they think they can pick up their little brother and carry him places. We love our little Hudson!
Hudson's stats:
3 day doctor visit - 7lb 5oz, 20 1/4 in
2 week doctor visit - 9lb 1oz!, 20 3/4 in - 50th percentile for both
 Sleep tight
 His favorite spot to sleep...tucked under the covers in our bed.
 Getting advice from his big sister.
 The paci spends more time in Grayson's mouth than Hudson's.
 First bath (2 weeks old). He likes the warm water.
I enjoy my life!
 I feel like this picture needs a country song to play with it.
turned into a man when Hudson showed up
Carrington singing to Hudson

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