Monday, September 17, 2012

Hudson - One Month Old

September 11 marked Hudson turning one month old. He had a check up later that week and weighed 11 lbs 1 oz and 21 1/4 in. Both stats put him in the 75th percentile. He is growing like a weed, gaining almost four pounds in one month! He has come out of his cocoon and is sprouting his little personality. We see a lot more of his eyes as he stays awake for about an hour at a time now. He is finding his voice; a little more fussy but making cute baby coos too. He has traveled twice; once to Ridgeland to see Granny, Papa and the rest of the family and once to Myrtle Beach to help Aunt Melissa celebrate a big birthday! 
One Month Old Photo Shoot...

 Brother and sister want in on the cheese
 I'll hear Hudson go from fussy to quiet. When I walk into the room I find Carrington has picked him up and is "burping" him. Very helpful but a little scary to think my three year old is picking up my new baby.
Precious trio!

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