Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day Weekend 2012

I need to have t-shirts made that say, "we survived Labor Day Weekend". An unwelcome visitor, the stomach flu, showed up at our house on Thursday morning and didn't make it's exit until Saturday afternoon. I was the first to open the door and Aaron showed it the way out. Hudson was the only one spared (thank you, God). It hit us parents the hardest with multiple trips to the bathroom, fever, chills and body ache. And took us twice as long to recovery. We had planned a trip to Ridgeland, with lots of activities on the agenda, but needless to say none of that happened. Instead, we spent lots of time inside, on the couch, watching football, and trying to survive cabin fever with three small children. In between sickness we made it to the park to let the kids run wild and work with Carrington on riding her bike without training wheels. The kids also had a water fun day at the house when we could take staying inside no longer. It wasn't the ideal weekend but it did give us a lot of time together! 

 Daddy's newest Tiger
 Poor Aaron, look at his eyes! He was so sick for the kick off of college football.
 These two spent most of the day dreaming about football instead of watching it on TV.
 Hudson isn't happy about wearing his Tiger uniform.
 Taking the training wheels off
 Swinging like a big boy
 You spray me...
I'll spray you. 
 Go Hokies!
I post this for no other reason than to show they are definitely related!!
Carrington getting a start on riding without training wheels.

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