Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hudson - 8 months old

Lots of new things going on with Hudson since the six month old post. He started eating baby food and puffs. The first few days of feeding went well. He seemed to like apple sauce (his first food) and would open his mouth to take bites but then he cut his first two teeth right at seven months old and wanted no part of eating for about a week. He is a funny little bean at meal time. He wants puffs with his baby food and unless the food is super smooth he will not eat it. Texture is an issue. He fusses while you feed him (no clue why) and can't keep his hands away from his mouth. Which leads to a big ol' mess of smeared baby food, everywhere! See picture below for proof.
He is becoming a very happy baby. The fussing and crying has mostly gone away and changed into a playful, giggling, fun loving little baby. He naps twice a day for about two hours each and sleeps roughly 11 hours at night. The rest of his day is spent crawling around on the floor, pulling himself up on anything that's sturdy enough to hold his weight, giggling at his brother and sister, and smiling at everyone around him. He is making 'ba' and 'da' sounds but I can't confirm that a word like dada has been said. Or, maybe I don't want to confirm it because I want 'mama' to be his first word!
 His crawling has changed from the inch worm to the hands and knees crawl. He gets around too well if you ask me. I can't keep him still which is exactly the same way C was and the complete opposite of G. I'm constantly taking something small out of his mouth that the siblings have thrown down on the floor and left for him to taste.
 He loves playing with Carrington and generally tries to stay away from Grayson (kidding, well kinda). Grayson uses him as a pony to ride around the house and Carrington uses him as a live baby doll to carry around the house, feed, and mother. Hudson's on a stretch of getting up at 6am and wanting to go play. I think it's because he gets to play without his brother or sister bothering him. He can crawl where he wants and not get picked up, play with the toy he wants and not be in fear that a certain 2 year old is going to body slam him to get the toy back, and hear his own noises in the quiet of the early morning.
Hudson is so much fun at this age. While I love to see him grow, learn new things, and have lots of first experiences...I'm also ready to put him in a glass globe and just keep him at this sweet age!

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