Thursday, April 4, 2013

Preschool Easter Party and Egg Hunt

Carrington's last day of preschool in Wilmington was also her Easter Party and Egg Hunt. I was thankful for the party to distract us from being sad that she would not be returning to FPPK after spring break. Her first year of preschool was better than I could have ever imagined. She loved going each M-W-F, made the sweetest little friends while there, and adored her teachers. She already misses everyone at FPPK and has asked to move back to Wilmington so she can go to preschool.
On to the Easter fun and happy memories...
 Coordinating yellow peep with yellow flowers on her dress.
 Easter snack time.
 Lining up for the Easter Egg Hunt
 The egg hunt was held indoors since the weather was chilly that day. Give kids eggs to hunt and it doesn't matter where you hide them, they have the best time finding them no matter what!
 No object is too hard to reach when you really want it.
 "Look at my basket full of goodies!"
 Happy Egg Hunters
 A few of the girls in C's class...

Perry, C, and Tucker.
Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Murchison...we love them!

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